Web Assessment Preparation

You are allowed to to bring a designed and optimized header graphic to class with you. Please choose from the following images…

If you have created the assessment directory during your practice attempts that is fine but please make sure the directory is empty prior to taking the assessment. You are expected to do all of the work in class during the set time. The only work you are allowed to do beforehand is creating the directory on the server and creating and optimizing your header graphic. Good luck.

Introduction to JavaScript Libraries


Read the following Article on Progressive Enhancement. Send me an email (tswallace@ualr.edu) explaining progressive enhancement in your own words. Please discuss why it is important to use progressive enhancement and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due before class Monday.

Image Creation and Optimization


Create Banner image for your sample page in Fireworks. The mage should be as wide as your container div and between 80px and 200px tall and less than 40kb in size. Emailed tswallace@ualr.edu before class next Monday. Have fun with this. You can make an image for anything. It could be a company, an event, a hobby etc. I’d like to see the following elements present in your design. Typographical Element, some sort of photographic element or vector artwork, and a consistent color scheme (Try Kuler).

Next week I’ll show you how to integrate this image into your template page properly. Please bring the file to class.


Working with CSS


Homework – Style all major elements in your current index.html file. You should apply some sort of layout and then make sure you style all of the elements in the content area of the site as well. Upload to the web server and send the link (tswallace@ualr.edu) to me before class on the February 18th, 2013. This is an exercise in experimenting with different css properties and values. If it doesn’t look perfect that is okay. I want you to play.

The Building Blocks: Structure/Design


Read: CSS Basics. It is imperative that you read this material before class next week.

Introduction to Dreamweaver


Read: The history of the Internet and the web, and the evolution of web standards – Write: Blog post explaining the impact of the browser wars on modern web development and how why web standards are important.


Video Tutorial – Defining a site

Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior


Read Semantic XHTML (Quiz Material)

Write –  Blog  – Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a short written assignment that should be posted to your blog by next Monday. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change.

Our Window to the Web: Web Browsers & Understanding Web Related Terminology



Read – The history of the Internet and the web, and the evolution of web standards

Write –  Blog  – Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a short written assignment that should be posted to your blog by next Monday. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change.

Introduction to Fireworks

  • Fireworks Workspace
  • Creating Shapes
  • Working with Typography
  • Cropping and Resizing


Complete the following tutorials and submit the folder icon you create in the 3rd tutorial.

You should post this to your blog before class next Monday. Late submissions will not be accepted. I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck!

If you’d like to work from home you can download a demo version of Fireworks here.

Using the Web like a Pro II


Write a blog post about your favorite web-based service that you learned about in class or otherwise. This should be a thorough review detailing what you like/dislike, areas for improvement, and a comparison to any similar products or services.

Introduction to WordPress


Homework (Due 9.4.12): Write your first blog post reflecting on your first day in the program and your personal expectations for the class. Make sure you catorgorize and/or tag the post. If you are feeling adventurous try adding a photo to the post as well. There is no length requirement for this assignment.

Send the URL (Address) of your newly created blog to tswallace@ualr.edu