Mobile Web Development – Spring 2014

To view lecture notes for a given lesson follow the links below. Lecture notes will be added the day of each lecture. Assignments will be listed for each section. Assignments are due before class.

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Bootstrap Wrapup / Final Project Lab - April 15, 2014

Today I’d like you to put the finishing touches on your Bootstrap wireframes and submit the URL to me for a grade. You should also spend some time working on your final project. Be prepared to give a status update on your final project in class on Thursday.

Site Planning and Prototyping - April 1, 2014


Refine your site concept and create a preliminary sitemap for the site/app using a service discover in class. Experiment with one of the prototyping tools we discussed in class and build a prototype of the mobile view of your new site. This only needs to an outline.

Use Kuler or a similar tool to generate a color scheme for your web site. You should make note of the hexadecimal color values of your scheme. If you need more information check out the following post on deciding on good colors.

Submit the sitemap and color swatches to me via email by Thursday. You should have a wireframe of the homepage in both desktop and mobile views by next Tuesday.

Responsive Images Wrap-up - March 18, 2014

  • Review Responsive Images Lab assignment
  • Discuss Final Project


I’d like you to come up with and idea for a final project responsive web site. I’d like this project to incorporate the the use of responsive design practices and utilize some of the new html5 api’s. I’ll give you a clear list of technical requirements after spring break. This can be for a fictitious client or a real world client or project. Be creative. Pick something you are interested in learning more about. I’d like you to write a paragraph or two explaining the project and what you hope to accomplish/learn by completing the project. Please email this to me before class on the Tuesday following Spring Break. Be prepared to discuss your idea in class.

Responsive Resume Lab - March 6, 2014

I’d like you spend today’s lab building out a desktop view to the mobile resume we created in class. If you need help in creating the proper media queries make sure to reference this article. This assignment is graded and should be submitted to me by Monday so I can look it over prior to class on Tuesday. Please send the url to the project and remember to make this your own. It doesn’t need to look exactly like the initial resume we built. Personalize it. This might be someones first impression of you. Good luck and have a nice weekend.

Building a Responsive Resume - February 27, 2014


Complete the mobile first styling of you resume. I’d like you design to reflect your own taste and not replicate what we did in class. Please read the following Article and be prepared apply the concepts included within to your work in lab on Tuesday. Next Week you will have a lab in which you add a desktop view to your site using media queries.

Adaptive Web Design - February 25, 2014

For today’s out of class assignment, I’d like you to watch the video below and then share with me via email 5 takeaways (ideas, technical concepts, techniques). You should be able to complete this assignment in the time allotted to class. Please be thoughtful in your responses and be prepared to discuss on Thursday. I also encourage you to check out some of the additional content on the speakers web site. (

Beyond Media Queries: An Anatomy of an Adaptive Web Experience from marc thiele on Vimeo.

Grid-Based Design - February 18, 2014




Read Chapter 4 in Responsive Design / Experiment implementing your own grid on the example html we worked with in class. Try using one of the grid-generators we examined in class. Be prepared to review in class on Thursday.

HTML5 Microdata - February 11, 2014

  • Review Homework Reading.

In-class Lab – Please Complete the following Tutorial and submit your online Resume to me via Email.

Note: If you are uncomfortable with sharing any personal information with me  (or Google!) feel free use fictitious information. You may skips steps 8-10 if you’d like.

For more information on the subject check out the following resources

The goal of this exercise is familiarize you with the proposed Microdata Spec and to get your brain wrapped around its use. Be prepared to discuss in class on Thursday. Submit the url of the completed resume prior to class on Thursday. We will continue to build of of this assignment in the coming weeks. Failure to complete could impact your ability to complete those assignments.

Transitioning to HTML5 - February 6, 2014

Today’s Codecast

Out with the old in with the new

Adding Browser Support

After the Transition

Development and Debugging Tools

Prepping a Document for Mobile

Putting it all together…


Work through the following article – The Webkit Inspector

Be prepared to discuss and perhaps demo something you learned. Don’t feel intimidated if you you do not understand every little bit of the article. Becoming familiar with this tools will greatly increase your productivity and ability to identify and troubleshoot problems.

What’s new in HTML5? - January 28, 2014

In Class Assignment

Visit 10 Websites / Services you frequent. For each you should provide me with the site url, declared doctype, and a list of linked resources with the relationships. Only include the relationship information for elements we have not discussed. I’d like for you to discover as many new relationship types as possible. There is no need to list all relationship attributes for the site, only ones that are new to you. Once completed select one of the new relationship types and provide me with an explanation of its purpose.

Please email this assignment to me prior to class on Thursday.

Homework Reading