Deciding on Good Colors and Fonts

Good color and fonts are a crucial aspect of any web design project. In this section I would like you to use the resources below to try and come up with a color scheme for your site.

Color PickerBefore you begin it would be helpful to know a little bit more about web colors and the system used for identifying each color. Web colors are identified by what are known as Hexadecimal Numbers. Hexadecimal numbers that represent colors are in the following format:

  • White
  • Black

To find a color’s hexadecimal value in Dreamweaver or Fireworks use the color chooser in the Properties tool bar.

When you are creating your color scheme be sure and write down the Hexadecimal values of the colors you choose.

Learn more about hexadecimal color values here »

Creating a Color Scheme

Visit the sites below to explore your color scheme options.


Choosing a good font for a web site can really set the tone for your site. While there plenty of fonts that come standard with the Windows operating system, you might feel compelled to use something a little more original. The resources below should help you find a font that suits your needs. Remember this font will be used in the graphics that you create for your site, not the body text.