Responsive Images Case Study

This will be a three part assignment. I expect you to really spend some time working through the literature and with experimentation of a few of the techniques you discover.


Read through the following literature starting with this article. Be sure to read through the comments as well as there is always some good discussion.


Using the approaches discussed in class or a different approach referenced in the articles below (or independent research). I’d like you to try and implement two different approaches and provide links to the examples. If you have access to your own server you are welcome to look at the server-side solutions, If not you’ll probably need to stick with a JavaScript based solution.


Write a short (2 page minimum) paper discussing the two implementations you chose. For each of the example pages I’d like you provide a link to the technique along with a paragraph or two discussing ease of implementation and your perceived usefulness of the technique, pros, cons etc.

This assignment is due Tuesday (3.31.15).