Internet Technologies – Fall 2013

To view lecture notes for a given lesson follow the links below. Lecture notes will be added the day of each lecture. Assignments will be listed for each section. Assignments are due before class.

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Final Project Lab - December 3, 2013

Today we will work individually on our final projects and review/troubleshoot our Jquery implementations.


Submit the url for the page including your Jquery implementation. This should be submitted no later than this evening.

Jquery Lab - November 26, 2013


Find a Jquery tutorial on the web. When evaluating the script make sure that the page is still usable without Javascript enabled. You should pick something that can be integrated into your current site to meet the above mastery requirement. Submit the URL to me via email of the working script. Due Tuesday.

Resources 1 | 2 | 3

Applied JavaScript - November 21, 2013


Find a Jquery tutorial on the web. Begin working on the implementation and bring to class on Tuesday. When evaluating the script make sure that the page is still usable without Javascript enabled. You should pick something that can be integrated into your current site to meet the above mastery requirement.

Introduction to JavaScript - November 19, 2013


Complete lessons #3 and #4 at Codecademy.

Read the following Article on Progressive Enhancement. Send me an email ( explaining progressive enhancement in your own words. Please discuss why it is important to use progressive enhancement and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due before class Tuesday.

Creating Imagery for your site - November 5, 2013


Create Banner image for your sample page in Fireworks. The image should be as wide as your container div and between 80px and 200px tall and less than 40kb in size. Emailed before class on Thursday. Have fun with this. You can make an image for anything. It could be a company, an event, a hobby etc. I’d like to see the following elements present in your design. Typographical Element, some sort of photographic element or vector artwork, and a consistent color scheme (Try Kuler).

Next class I’ll show you how to integrate this image into your template page properly. Please bring the file to class.

Introduction to Fireworks - October 29, 2013

  • Fireworks Workspace
  • Creating Shapes
  • Working with Typography
  • Cropping and Resizing

Your assignment for Spring Break is to complete the following tutorials and submit the folder icon you create in the 3rd tutorial.

You should email this icon to me before class next Tuesday. Late submissions will not be accepted. I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck! If you’d like you can download a 30 day trial of Fireworks on your own computer so you can work off campus.

Introduction to CSS - October 17, 2013


Style your prototype HTML Document from top to bottom. Upload the file to your web space and send the URL to before class on Tuesday.

If you haven’t already, please read the following article on CSS Positioning and be prepared to complete an in class lab assignment on Tuesday.

Introduction to CSS - October 10, 2013


Style your prototype HTML Document from top to bottom. Be prepared to share this with me in class next week. I am not looking for perfection. I’d really like you to experiment with as many css properties as possible.

If you haven’t already, please read the following article on CSS Positioning and be prepared to complete an in class lab assignment on Thursday.

Publishing an HTML Document to the Web - September 24, 2013


Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
You can email the html document to me or for additional credit upload to the server and send me the url. Send to before 10.1.13.

Reading Assignment: CSS Basics

Structure, Content, Design, Behavior - August 27, 2013


Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be emailed to me ( no later than 8-29-13. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change.

Structure, Content, Design, Behavior - August 22, 2013


Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be emailed to me ( no later than 8-27-13. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change.