IT Canary

To view lecture notes for a given lesson follow the links below. Lecture notes will be added the day of each lecture. Reading assignments will be listed for each section. Please do the assigned readings before class and be prepared to discuss in class.

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Web Assessment Q&A and Semester Wrap-Up - April 30, 2015

  • Web Assessment Review
  • Peer Evaluation – Due Next Tuesday – Emailed to all faculty
  • Course Evaluations – Please fill out 3 times (Once for Each Faculty Member)
  • Assessment Dates
    • Access – 5/7/15 – 1:30pm – 3:30pm – EIT 219
    • Web – 5/12/15 – 10:30am – 12:30pm – EIT 219

We hope you have a great Summer and we look forward to seeing you all in the Fall. If any of you are looking for project work for the Summer please let us know and we’ll try to pass along opportunities as they present themselves.

Introduction to JavaScript Libraries - March 19, 2015


Over Spring Break you should complete your personal web site project (Requirements) The project will be due on the Thursday following Spring Break. We will spend the Tuesday class session debugging and implementing Javascript on the site. You should have a working prototype in class to review with me on Tuesday. Good Luck.

Web Forms, HTML5 Boilerplate & Introduction to Javascript - March 12, 2015

Web Forms

HTML5 Boilerplate

Introduction to JavaScript


Complete Getting Started with programming at Codecademy. Send me a a screenshot of the completion page. I recommend creating an account so you can save your progress and completion other modules in the future.

Segway Project Wrap-up / Site Planning - March 3, 2015

Segway Q & A

  • Open Discussion / Review Techniques

Site Planning

Working with HTML5 Boilerplate

Individual Web Site Project


Watch the HTML5 Boilerplate Video | Download the Files (If you haven’t done so already) Review the HTML and CSS Documentation while looking through the boilerplate files. Be prepared to discuss on Thursday.

Begin thinking about a topic for your individual web project. By next Tuesday I should have a planning document and site map for the new site.

Bringing it all Together - February 5, 2015

Segway Project


  1. Begin work on the Segway Project
  2. Optimize and post to your blog the Clone Stamp and Marquee Tool exercise images we worked on in class last week. Please describe the techniques you used in the exercise.
  3. Email me an optimized version of your header graphic you created in class.

Image Optimization - February 3, 2015


Please read the following article on image optimization and write a shot blog post discussing three takeaways from the article.

Review the HTML & CSS concepts covered last semester and bring questions/need for clarification to class on Thursday. We’ll begin a web design project on Thursday. If you need some review this site covers a good chunk of what we discussed last semester.

Creating Imagery for your Site - January 27, 2015


Create Banner image for your sample page in Fireworks. The image should be as wide as your container div and between 80px and 200px tall and less than 40kb in size. Emailed before class on the Thursday. Have fun with this. You can make an image for anything. It could be a company, an event, a hobby etc. I’d like to see the following elements present in your design. Typographical Element, some sort of photographic element or vector artwork, and a consistent color scheme (Try Kuler).

Next class I’ll show you how to integrate this image into your template page properly. Please bring the optimized file to class.

Introduction Fireworks - January 22, 2015

My Reading List – Import into a reader of your choice. I use Feedly
Thomas Wallace Reading List (Right-click save as or import via URL)

Woking with Photography

Image Optimization


Post optimized samples of the images you created to your blog with an explanation of the tools and approach you used.

Introduction to Fireworks - January 20, 2015

  • Fireworks Workspace
  • Creating Shapes
  • Working with Typography
  • Cropping and Resizing

Complete the following tutorials and submit the folder icon you create in the 3rd tutorial.

You should email this icon to me before class on Thursday. Late submissions will not be accepted. I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck!

My Reading List – Import into a reader of your choice. I use Feedly
Thomas Wallace Reading List (Right-click save as or import via URL)

Introduction to Fireworks - January 15, 2015

  • Fireworks Workspace
  • Creating Shapes
  • Working with Typography
  • Cropping and Resizing

Complete the following tutorials and submit the folder icon you create in the 3rd tutorial.

You should email this icon to me before class next Thursday. Late submissions will not be accepted. I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck!

Introduction to CSS - November 20, 2014


Read The following Article on CSS Positioning. Be prepared to discuss next week.

Style your Gordo / Prototype Document in Codepen or Using a text editor and send me the URL prior to class on Tuesday. I’m not looking for perfection. I’d like you to explore the techniques covered in class.

Web IDE’s and Introduction to CSS - October 30, 2014


ReadCSS Specificity & Class vs. ID – This is quiz material.

Validation and HTML5 Lab - October 28, 2014


Due on Thursday 10.30.14

  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • You are free to submit this assignment in one of two ways. Those who complete option 2 will receive extra credit.
    1. Attach the html file to an email to or
    2. Upload the file to your web space. The url should be Make sure you name the file index.html
  • Read the following article before class on Thursday – CSS Basics

File Management - October 23, 2014


  • Practice publishing files to your webspace using FTP. Remember to properly name your homepage file (index.html). You can download a free FTP client for Windows or Mac from Filezilla. Make sure to carefully read the installer package dialogs (as you always should) to make sure you are not installing additional software or toolbars.
  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • Email me the URL of your completed prototype document. Send to before 10.28.14.

Sectioning Elements and File Management - October 21, 2014


  • Practice publishing files to your webspace using FTP. Remember to properly name your homepage file (index.html). You can download a free FTP client for Windows or Mac from Filezilla. Make sure to carefully read the installer package dialogs (as you always should) to make sure you are not installing additional software or toolbars.
  • Create and Validate a prototype HTML document that includes examples of all HTML elements covered thus far. For a list of requirements view this page.
  • You can email the html document to me or for additional credit upload to the server and send me the url. Send to before 10.28.14.

Structure, Content, Design, Behavior - September 30, 2014


Create a Codepen Account and experiment with it’s features.

Read Semantic XHTML (Quiz Material) & 300 Million Dollar Button

Structure, Content, Design, Behavior - September 23, 2014


  1. This week you should complete the Power Searching with Google course as homework. Be prepared to discuss when we return to class next Tuesday. Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6
  2. Due Thursday – Write a blog post about 5 new tips/trick you learned from the Power Searching with Google course. Please explain each technique and a situation where you might use it to find valuable information.

Web Related Terminology - September 18, 2014


  1. This week you should complete the Power Searching with Google course as homework. Be prepared to discuss when we return to class next Tuesday. Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6
  2. Due next Thursday – Write a blog post about 5 new tips/trick you learned from the Power Searching with Google course. Please explain each technique and a situation where you might use it to find valuable information.
  3. Read – The history of the Internet and the web, and the evolution of web standards

Mastering Google Search - September 16, 2014


  1. This week you should complete the Power Searching with Google course as homework. Be prepared to discuss when we return to class next Tuesday. Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6
  2. Due next Tuesday – Write a blog post about 5 new tips/trick you learned from the Power Searching with Google course. Please explain each technique and a situation where you might use it to find valuable information.

Using the Web Like a Pro - September 11, 2014


Review your favorite web-based service in a blog post explaining it’s functionality, the pro’s and con’s of using the particular service, and discuss the service’s potential for impacting the way you work. Post is due next Tuesday. Please be prepared to discuss in class.

Using the Web Like a Pro - September 9, 2014


Review your favorite web-based service in a blog post explaining it’s functionality, the pro’s and con’s of using the particular service, and discuss the service’s potential for impacting the way you work. Post is due next Tuesday. Please be prepared to discuss in class.

WordPress Explained - August 28, 2014


Make sure you have done the following before returning to class next week. We’ll be moving on to new topics next week so you should have all blog related issues and assignments squared away.

  • Make sure I have your Blog URL
  • Customize your blog
    • Apply a new theme
    • Customize the sidebar
      • Add a few widgets.
      • Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent.
    • Try using a shortcode in a post or a page.
  • Completed About Page
  • Created a Custom Menu

Soft Skills

After completing your Myers Briggs Personality Indicator, please go to and locate your personality type. After reading the descriptions, please answer the following questions on your blog:

  1. Based on what you have learned about your MBTI profile, what do you need/expect in your work environment?
  2. What type of leader do expect to be and how does this profile reflect that?
  3. When working on a team/in a group, how do you think knowing the other peoples’ profiles would change the group interactions?

Please complete the following communication survey before class next Tuesday. It should take 5 minutes.

WordPress Explained - August 26, 2014


  • Verify Network Access


Customize your blog. Apply a new theme. Customize the sidebar. Add a few widgets. Display an rss feed from a site that you frequent. Try using a shorcode in a post or a page. Begin working on your about page. If you have not submitted your blog url to me please do so.

Soft Skills

Please complete the following communication survey before class next Tuesday. It should take 5 minutes.

Chromebook Orientation and Introduction to WordPress - August 21, 2014


Homework (Due 8.26.14): Write your first blog post reflecting on your first week in the program and your personal expectations for the class. Make sure you catergorize and/or tag the post. If you are feeling adventurous try adding a photo to the post as well. There is no length requirement for this assignment.

Soft Skills: Please complete the MBTI located at this web site (  Save your results and bring to class with you next Tuesday for a debrief. Have a nice weekend.