Introduction to HTML5

Introduction to HTML5


Read (Quiz Material) Introduction to HTML

Introduction to HTML5


Create a Codepen Account and experiment with it’s features.

Read (Quiz Material) Introduction to HTML

Structure, Content, Design, & Behavior


Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be emailed to me ( and  Manoj ( no later than 1-23-17. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change.

Implementing jQuery


Upload your working version to you web space and send me the url. Make sure to do some customization so you get the opportunity to play with editing the calls to jQuery. Please send me the working URL before class on Thursday. Please send to and

JavaScript Libraries

Additional Reading and Study – Javascript 101

Read the following Article on Progressive Enhancement. Send me an email ( explaining progressive enhancement in your own words. Please discuss why it is important to use progressive enhancement and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due before class Tuesday.

Image Optimization


Create Banner image for your sample page in Fireworks. The image should be as wide as your container div and between 80px and 200px tall and less than 40kb in size. Emailed before class on Tuesday. Have fun with this. You can make an image for anything. It could be a company, an event, a hobby etc. I’d like to see the following elements present in your design. Typographical Element, some sort of photographic element or vector artwork, and a consistent color scheme (Try Kuler).

Next class I’ll show you how to integrate this image into your template page properly. Please bring the file to class.

Image Manipulation and Optimization

Woking with Photography

Image Optimization


Email me the completed optimized samples of the images you created in class. Due Thursday.

Image Manipulation and Optimization

Woking with Photography

Image Optimization


Email me the completed optimized samples of the images you created in class. Due next Tuesday.

Introduction to Fireworks

  • Review Positioning Exercises
  • Fireworks Workspace
  • Creating Shapes
  • Working with Typography
  • Cropping and Resizing


Complete the following tutorials and submit the folder icon you create in the 3rd tutorial.

You should email this icon to me before class next Thursday. Late submissions will not be accepted. I do not expect you to perfectly replicate the icon in the tutorial but I would like to see a solid effort from each of you. This is a challenging assignment so I encourage you to not wait until the night before it is due. Good Luck! If you’d like you can download a 30 day trial of Fireworks on your own computer so you can work off campus.

HTML Wrap Up & File Management


Introduction to HTML5


Read (Quiz Material) Introduction to HTML

HTML Reference – Code Guide | Introduction to HTML

Introduction to HTML5


Create a Codepen Account and experiment with it’s features.

Read (Quiz Material) Introduction to HTML

Structure, Content, Design, Behavior


Evaluate your favorite web site based on our discussion of Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior. This is a written assignment that should be emailed to me ( no later than 8-30-16. Make sure you discuss the following elements: Site URL, An assessment of the Structure, Content, Design, and Behavior of the site, Things you like about the site, Things you would change.

Introduction to JavaScript Libraries

Additional Reading and Study – Javascript 101

Read the following Article on Progressive Enhancement. Send me an email ( explaining progressive enhancement in your own words. Please discuss why it is important to use progressive enhancement and include a link to another article you found and read relating to the topic. Due before class Wednesday.

Creating and Optimizing Site Imagery


Create Banner image for your sample page in Fireworks. The image should be as wide as your container div and between 80px and 200px tall and less than 40kb in size. Emailed before class on Tuesday. Have fun with this. You can make an image for anything. It could be a company, an event, a hobby etc. I’d like to see the following elements present in your design. Typographical Element, some sort of photographic element or vector artwork, and a consistent color scheme (Try Kuler).

Next class I’ll show you how to integrate this image into your template page properly. Please bring the file to class.