Leveraging Web -Based Services


  1. Complete the first two sessions  of Power Searching with Google. Create a Google doc and share it with tswallace@ualr.edu. In this document, I’d like you to take notes from the Power Searching with Google course. Once we have completed the course you will use these notes to craft a blog post containing lessons learned from the workshop. Do not email me this document!. Use the built in sharing functionality of Google Docs. If you do not know how to do this you can look here for help.
  2. Write a blog post reflecting  on the experience you had during the scavenger hunt last week. Discuss how your team decided to tackle the hunt, whether or not you felt like you worked as a team, and what you would do differently.
  3. Please complete the MBTI located at this web site (http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp).  Save your results and bring to class with you next Monday for a debrief. Have a nice weekend.
  4. Extra credit: Attend Web Scraping with Python on Thursday Evening. Sponsored by SOCIS. Write a blog post about the presentation and what you learned.